Dear Friends, In the last two days, I've received as many queries asking permission to post things to the "Files" section of the BardonPraxis homepage, so I figured I should make a general announcement to all members. :) Members of this list may post whatever they want to the "Files", "Photos" and "Links" sections of the homepage so long as it pertains to Bardon. You do not need to ask for my permission. :) However, if anything unrelated to Bardon is posted I will ask that it be removed. There is also space for polls and announcements, if any of you are so inclined. Links to all of these areas of the BardonPraxis homepage (it's actually a 32 MB mini-website) can be found on the left-hand side of the BardonPraxis yahoogroups homepage. My best to you all, :) Rawn Clark 15 Jan 2003 rawnclark@... rawn@...