Greetings! Something to consider: It has come to my attention that since Rawn Clark left for a break off his online "duties", the posts have decreased to a minimum. This has me concerned, because I am sure that this isn't due to fewer questions or problems with the exercises of IIH. Rather, it seems that the general consensus seems to lean towards a dependancy on Rawn, as if he is the sole guiding light. I certainly agree that mr Clark is an excellent source of guidance, inspiration, and assistance; this is true without a doubt. However, it should certainly raise some concern when all reason for interaction concerning the practice of Bardon's system seems to _rely_ on Rawn alone. Surely Hermetics is a path for individuals, not collectives (and don't call me shirley!). Everyone here has something to learn as well as contribute; as we're all on different levels of development, we both have questions _and_ answers. Let us not make the mistake of relying upon one sole person to aid our development!! We're are all students of Franz Bardon (or really, Divine Providence), not Rawn Clark. Be grateful for mr Clark's wonderful guidance, but don't sell yourself short. Just some thoughts... Well met Vovin