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Re: Wealth and Esotericism

Message 02235 of 3835

Hi everyone!
I'd like to say a few things.

What's the problem with money and Big money?
Money is just neutral in itself. 
It's a dense physical power.
If you can do it, Great , just go for it. It's not incompatible with 
spiritual working: It's you that masters your life and your available time, up 
to you 
to choose how to use it. 
Make big money, grow spiritually, the both are possible and not bad at all. 
If it's your path, follow it. 
Money is a truely wonderful thing, as it allows you to do alll what you love 
to do.
It enables you to give much power to your spiritual choices on the physical 

Good luck( if there's any luck in all these affairs.... :-)


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