Dear Eric, >> Who or what creates and organises matter in order for Greater Selfs to project? << The Greaters themSelves do. Or rather, a more accurate way of stating it is that all matter (mental, astral and physical) is a consequence of the projection, and therefore multiplication, of consciousness. Matter (mental, astral and physical) *is* consciousness. >> Is the act of creation of matter a projection? Who (what) are the projections of trees, seas and stones? As you can read, quite confused with this one. << It is quite confusing to the *intellect*. :) I suggest that you read my work titled "Sowantha" And, of course, to really *Understand* it, continue on with your initiation and *experience* the "answers" for yourself. :) My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 23 June 2004 rawnclark@... rawn@...