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Re: mind frenzy

Message 03366 of 3835

Since becoming disabled, I've had similar problems.
It seems that I'd always dealt with grief and stress by over eating ...
and now I wasn't in any position to do any correctives.
I would recommend getting a support group and professional counseling
.... they can help you spot those underlying problems that really
triggered the problem in the first place.
I'd also recommend a careful analysis of your patterns. You might be
surprised what you'll turn up.
Just an example from a fellow overeater ....
In my case, I found that if I wasn't busy doing something, but just
sitting and watching TV with my wife or in some other passive behavior,
I started munching. I'd disrupt whatever program I was watching to hunt
for something to snack upon.
Now, I've begun a slow weight loss, but it's hard when so much of my
destructive behavior occurs when I'm not on the alert to counter it ...
then again being on the alert to counter it seems to make my hunger
worse (don't think of pink elephants).
What I've hit upon is to remove the passivity of the behavior. When
"just watching,: I multi-task. I might make notes and critique if I'm
watching some documentary or some drama. When just watching for the
pleasure of the show, however, I engage my hands in some kind of hobby
that doesn't require too much concentration itself.
But all such measures are temporary until I work through the stress and
grief too ...

Hang in there, we transcend our physical limitations!




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