Upon practicing one-pointedness excercise for hours i'v noticed a strange accurence after long periods which is after the inner thoughts fade a new stream of thoughts seem to emerge that seem to be not my own and do not dissolve like my own,i had been repeatidly frusterated by this as it seems after the background thoughts dissolved i would achive onepointedness(focal thought or visualization to the exclusion of all others) but this other stream comes that seems to be completly unrelated to my own mind/being such as conversations that have nothing to do with me,voices from people i don't know,images of places i have never been to and general chaos that seems completly unrelated to me and only dissolves after breaking the attempt to sustain focus on the target.I previously mentioned this in "excercise clarification" I became so frusterated i Reread IIH again and found something that sounded a bell in me,bardon said after awhile thoughts will seem to be coming from afar and intruding into ones mind!I immediatly checked various sources and people and was basicly told that this was indeed external,that the mental body was receiving static basicly from the mental plane,is this true?someone told me bardon puts lots of blinds in his book to seperate the "Worthy" from the "unworthy" is this true?Is this a fork in the road and which how do i find myself to the onepointedness state from here?how do i shut off this external stream if it doesn't seem to decay or be empowered by my own mind?