Contacting Rawn Clark

Before you fill out the form below with your question, please be advised that I will respond only to sincere, well considered questions that pertain to Bardon's system and/or my own writings.  I will not answer questions that have no relevance to these topics, nor will I reply to questions whose answers can be found by searching this website.

So before writing to me please spend a while meditating upon your question and if that fails to reveal an answer for you then use the search engine to search for an answer to your question among the many writings found here on this website.

Assuming that you have contemplated your question and have searched this website for an answer and both tactics have failed to net the desired result, please feel free to fill out the form below.  Submitting this form does not guarantee that I will reply, but if I do reply you should receive your answer within one week's time.

My best to you,
   :) Rawn Clark

Contact Form:

Email Address:  [Please type carefully!]

Your Name:

Your Question or Comment:  [Please be as concise as possible.]

Please click the Submit button only once.