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Re: Intro w/ question

Message 00037 of 3835

Dear Tom,

Welcome to BardonPraxis! :)

>> I'm not sure how much introduction is appropriate or necessary so I
will start with my question. <<

Actually, your question is a perfect introduction. :) In whatever
manner and to whatever degree anyone wants to introduce themselves is,
to my mind at least, "appropriate".

>> I have just began "Initiation Into Hermetics" and need a bit of
clairification. What is ment by "plastic", when I am asked to visualise
something plasticly? In other books I was given the imptression that
vividly visualising an item in the mind's eye is what is hoped for. Is
the same true in this case? <<

Yes. For a more detailed explanation, I suggest reading

This is a series of excerpts from the FranzBardonMagi group circa
October through November of this year, in which this issue is clarified
(to near death!).

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
27 Dec 2002


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