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Re: Introducing Stu

Message 00038 of 3835

Dear Stu,

Welcome to BardonPraxis! :)

>> As I was a court-jester in a former lifetime I will propably be far
to flippant and un-focused for this group. <<

Are you sure that was a "former" lifetime??? ;-) I'm secretly (oops .
. . I guess it's not a secret any more) hoping that your jester-within
will accept the official position of BardonPraxis-jester. I think this
would be a good positive-mirror manifestation for you since a jester, by
nature, must mix a sharp intellect, a compassionate heart and divine
humor; all of which are qualities I know you possess! AND . . . you'd
get to wear the official BardonPraxis funny-hat!

>> Propably will be thrown out before being "thrown in"...

;-) The trick/challenge will be to make all of your jesting

>> I tend to get stuck in this phase, maybe because it is so important
for me. <<

Perhaps it's time to unleash the jester upon yourself?

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
27 Dec 2002


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