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Re: Vacany of Mind

Message 00044 of 3835

Dear Martin,

Before you can control the contents of your mind you must be able to
completely disengage from *participating* in the internal dialogue. The
internal dialogue might still be occurring but it does so in the
background, without your involvement. It's when you start being
involved with it that it becomes a distracting force.

The ability to disengage from this aspect of your brain-bound
consciousness is what frees the higher mind to focus itself upon a
single idea/thought/thing and for it to achieve a true emptiness.

My suggestion therefore, is that you go back to the initial passive
observation exercise and deepen your ability to disengage from your
brain's activity. Then work on the one-pointedness until you can focus
your mind upon a single thing whilst remaining disengaged from your
internal dialogue. Mastering these two abilities should make the
emptiness of mind easier for you to attain and maintain.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
28 Dec 2002


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