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Re: Vacany of Mind

Message 00045 of 3835

Thank you, Rawn. That's exactly what I will do. I thought that I had 
sufficiently mastered the first two exercises, but it would seem 
that I have not.



--- In, "Rawn Clark" <rawnclark@n...> 
> Dear Martin,
> Before you can control the contents of your mind you must be able 
> completely disengage from *participating* in the internal 
dialogue. The
> internal dialogue might still be occurring but it does so in the
> background, without your involvement. It's when you start being
> involved with it that it becomes a distracting force.
> The ability to disengage from this aspect of your brain-bound
> consciousness is what frees the higher mind to focus itself upon a
> single idea/thought/thing and for it to achieve a true emptiness.
> My suggestion therefore, is that you go back to the initial passive
> observation exercise and deepen your ability to disengage from your
> brain's activity. Then work on the one-pointedness until you can 
> your mind upon a single thing whilst remaining disengaged from your
> internal dialogue. Mastering these two abilities should make the
> emptiness of mind easier for you to attain and maintain.
> My best to you,
> :) Rawn Clark
> 28 Dec 2002
> rawnclark@n...
> rawn@a...


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