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A couple of questions

Message 00066 of 3835

To any1 whos feeling helpful ;),

> I've always admired your choice of yahoo ID names (An Unused Name,
> Damnit!). ;-)
> My best to you,
> :) Rawn Clark
> 31 Dec 2002

:) you wouldn't believe the gibberish that had already been taken!

Having thought over these things a few times (and leafed through the 
fbm archives) i'd really like to get a 2nd opinion on a few things 
(i'll limit my queries to 2 per post ;) ).

1) In classifying charactoristics under each element I concentrated 
on how the `situational` charactoristic felt ... and 
specifically "where" I felt it. Previous work with the elements 
highlighted the fact that they each produce sensations in the 
physical body differently. Anger/hatred for instance seems to be felt 
most strongly in my head. Do you think that using kinesthetic 
sensation in this way is a reasonable method for use in this exercise?
(I note that bardon makes mention of the elements in a similar 
way ... is this how this info is meant to be used?)

2) In the step1 breathing exercises 4 qualities are listed. Firstly, 
it seems that each corresponds to a different element. Is this 
signficant ... as intro to elemental breathing maybe? Secondly, real 
Health is a very holistic thing, surely this exercise alone can't 
really be expected to maintain/produce it. To refocus attention onto 
improving health in everyday life is one thing, but I get the feeling 
this exercise is supposed to be simpler/ more direct than this. What 
is meant by `achieving health` in this context? ... achieving a basic 
level of commitment to being/feeling healthy maybe?



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