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Re: correspondence

Message 00074 of 3835

--- In, "Rawn Clark" <rawnclark@n...> 
> Dear Stu,
> >> I have gotten used to thinking in terms of Yang and Yin. Now, 
> these concepts from East be equated with "electricity" 
and "magnetism"
> as used by Bardon (and generally in the West). <<
> Yes, this is a fair correspondence.
> >> And what about "chi", what would be the Bardonian correspondence
> <<
> I think the closest equivalent would be Bardon's "vital energy".
Wow, that's really useful to know; I too can relate a little more 
easily to the concepts of Ying and Yan.

I have a question also: during some of my Step One meditations, I 
have experienced strong sensations on the insides of my wrists, 
something I have not felt before. I did however, used to do a lot of 
meditation in the past with the major chakras and the sensation 
reminded me of that. I was wondering if there was any possible 
relation? Are there minor energy points at that location in the 
human body and could the fact that I am experiencing this during the 
mental exercises be of any significance?




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