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Re: Re: correspondence

Message 00094 of 3835

Dear Martin,

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply to this one. :) I've been playing
catch-up since Thursday evening! Every Thursday I spend a half day
volunteering at a local food bank, giving me very little time that
morning, followed by an absence of about 5 hours, and then an
over-loaded inbox! ;-) So usually Friday morning is when I get really
serious about taming the beast, hence my late reply.

>> I have a question also: during some of my Step One meditations, I
have experienced strong sensations on the insides of my wrists,
something I have not felt before. I did however, used to do a lot of
meditation in the past with the major chakras and the sensation reminded
me of that. I was wondering if there was any possible relation? Are
there minor energy points at that location in the human body and could
the fact that I am experiencing this during the mental exercises be of
any significance? <<

There could be several possible reasons for this. One could be your
meditation asana (body position). Are you causing pressure on this
point in your body? Are you gripping your hands together with tension
or gripping something else, such as the chair arm, your thighs, etc.?

However, what you said about how the sensation reminds you of past
energy work with the major chakras leads me to believe that this is more
an energy related thing. There are energy centers at your wrists and
also a major center at each palm of your hands. Perhaps Peter or
someone else familiar with Chinese medicine, can direct you to an
appropriate resource??? I know that there are diagrams available that
accurately illustrate the energy pathways and centers common to the
human body. Most any website dealing with acupuncture should have this
illustration somewhere.

I suggest that when this occurs next, you spend some time investigating
it thoroughly. Probe the phenomena with your mind. Observe its every
detail and ask questions of it. How do you *feel* (emotionally) about
it? What thoughts arise in your mind in response to it? What does it
*look* like? What do *you* think it means? And so on.

In other words, apply the one-pointedness meditation technique to this
riddle! This technique is more than just an "exercise" that you need to
master -- it's also a very important and powerful tool!

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
03 Jan 2003


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