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Re: Fw: Welcome to BardonPraxis

Message 00119 of 3835

Dear Viraj,

>> i started the first step and have allready problems to come to
hundred items in the soul mirror. i am stuck somewhere at 90. i checked
almost my whole past but its alway the same words coming up. i allways
wrote down the word (like greediness or whatever) and a little note i
wich kontext. but now i am running out of adjectives (or how do you call
these words like greedy, hatefull, angry). are there more then hundred?
for shure, whatever it is, i lived it once or more times in my life. or
am i supposed to write down situations? than offcourse there are
thousands. perhaps my language is just to limited. <<

One hundred items is a number to aim for, it's not an actual minimum
requirement. :) So if 90 is what you can come up with, then that's
what you've got . . . for now. As time goes by, you can always add to
your list as you realize more items.

Nonetheless, it's wise to break down inclusive labels like greedy,
hateful, angry, and so on. Each one of these can manifest in a variety
of ways and arise in response to quite a number of different stimuli.
So I suggest that you examine these broad labels and try to break them
apart a bit.

The great advantage to be had in doing that deconstructing, becomes
apparent when you begin the Step Two work of character transformation.
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to transform something so broad
as 'anger', for example. But if you break it down into more specific
*types* of anger then you can grab hold of one type at a time and
transform it. By transforming one type at a time, you can ultimately
transform 'anger'.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
05 Jan 2003


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