>>>An Alchemically crafted *essence* (this is a very specific product) requires more than just distillation. Nonetheless, the Alchemical process isolates and purifies just those ingredients that serve as Fluidic condensers. The residue or "caput mortem" actually impedes the Fluids and their presence within a condenser decreases its capacity and its radiant power. It's like the difference between a cloudy quartz crystal and a perfectly clear diamond.<< I was primarily using the term 'essence' to mean something alchemically prepaired. Though with a little bit of afterthought I realized that it's probably not the best term given that there are alchemical essences, tinictures and salts, I believe. Which in turn effect primarily one of the three bodies; physical, astral and mental, I believe. Which seems to be in slight contrast to the astral and mental fluid condenser's we talked about that would be made out of an astral or mental substance. I also realize that there are more alchemical processes other than distilation, however, at the time was the only one of the seven primary alchemical processes that I could think of at the time. I'm also reasoning that these seven processes further get rid of those more 'grosser' substances that could impeed the ability of the fluid condenser to hold a charge? Live well, Peter Reist