Thank you, Andy, Paul and Rawn! I think I got the difference between the different uses of water straight now, the ridding yourself of something versa the gaining. To reiterate, it makes a lot of sense that the water that draws away the filth from body and soul needs to flow away and not be used for any other purpose. I assume nature's own course of recycling will take care of it's purification. On the other hand, the charged water is left neutral, so to speak, after the charge is taken out, absorbed by the body. The water should then be harmless to anything/body else. I can't pull the plug, btw, since I'm not using the sink, but I'm using a glass bowl for this. I don't want anybody else's energy contaminating *my* water. :-} Glad to know I can do the eye rolling more than seven times... it again gives me the good feeling to get the max out of it, not wasting anything. I thought Bardon used "seven" because it is a magical number. Once again, thank you! I feel like I took one step forward! Alexandra In a message dated 1/24/03 11:55:07 AM, rawnclark@... writes: << Dear Alexandra, >> When working with water to draw away weaknesses and filth from body and soul, Bardon makes it very clear, to immediately dispose off the water, or use running water. However, when it comes to the magnetic eye bath, he does not say to pour the water down the drain or elsewhere. << Because with the magnetic eye bath, he is not suggesting that you do this to rid yourself of anything. Instead he suggests this only as a means of gaining something from the bath -- i.e., the wish you've impregnated the water with. So, you are not excreting anything negative into the water. >> Also it is not clear to me, whether I should do the eye rolling exactly 7 times, or is *7* the minimum number? << Doesn't matter. >> I'm adding the Euphrasia to my water to improve my eye sight and clairvoyance and I feel very wasteful to just pour this water down the drain. This morning, I decided to water my house plants with it. I also thought about adding it to my dog's food... are these counter productive? << Watering your house plants is okay but adding it to your dog food is questionable. >> When it comes to preparing this water, Bardon leaves the student with the option of either magnetizing OR impregnating the water with a wish. First, I don't know how to magnetize it. << See >> Second, and this is my final confusion, - if I chose to impregnate this eye bath with a wish, should this wish be same I use for impregnating fluids and foods that are eaten? Or could I use something else, since this is an external use of water? << You should employ all of these techniques toward the same goal or wish. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 24 Jan 2003 rawnclark@... rawn@...