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Re: Soul Mirrors and the Elements - EARTH

Message 00352 of 3835

Dear Martin,

Yes, of course that's something for me to think about; the fact that
Earth is a combination of the others and so mixes traits of the
other elements together. So, these traits which mix to form a new
element (Earth) can be separated again when analyzing an Earth trait
to see which of the other three elements are present in it. Is that
correct? Or does Earth form totally different characteristics which
just happen to be made from the same 'ingredients' but have
metamorphosed into something totally different and unrecognizable.

I will let Rawn give you the Bardon version, but I will try another angle in explaining Earth as I comprehend it. I will use myself as an example of Earth. You could say, for example, that I am a mixture or combination, of my mother, father, and my ancestors. Yet I am a new Form. My father's characteristics and features are recognizable in me. My great-grandmother's love of genealogy is recognizable in me. My nth-great grandfathers' leadership and sense of pioneering are recognizable in me. Yet I am ME.

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. These are just *some* of the "hats" I wear, but not one of them describes the totality of me. Yet, when my mother addresses me, I am her daughter, first and foremost. When my husband addresses me, I am his wife, best friend, lover and even more. He, however, is not focused on my being a sister or a daughter.

Does this help or hinder?


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