Nice observation Basim. There is a very good explanation of this phenomenon in Itzhak Bentov?s Stalking the Wild Pendulum. See the appendix on the physio-kundalini syndrome. He notes this experience in activities that deal with the ?accelerating evolution of the nervous system? through either meditative disciplines or, even scarier, spontaneous occurrences. When your heart beats, blood is pushed out from the left ventricle, the aorta actually balloons out and creates a strong pulse that travels down to a point where there is a bifurcation in the lower abdomen (suspiciously close to the root chakra.) This is the place where the aorta forks into two to go to the legs. A part of this pressure rebounds back to the heart. If the heart beats again before this signal returns, you get the typical rhythmic, but irregular vibrations that are characteristic of our normal state. This rebound also sends vibrations up to the head and whacks the underside, a sensation which we?ve normally tuned out. Now a curious thing happens when you hold your breath. It sets up a condition where the heart will not beat again until the signal returns from the bifurcation point. This creates a very strong resonant sine wave of around 7Hz, which is an entrainment frequency of the brain right on the threshold of alpha and theta (as well as being the famous Schumann resonance, the vibrational frequency of our planet.) The amplitude of this resonance is about 3x more powerful than our regular state. Another interesting thing is, this resonance also occurs when the breath is very still and subtle, a place that most experience meditators are familiar with. Itzhak goes into more detail and a fascinating discussion of this model?s application in understand some of the mechanism of Kunalini and qi. I highly recommend his book for those curious about more detail. -emc That's happened to me before - usually right before I fall into a full trance state. It's a real, physical sensation, at least for me, and again for me it was kind of uncomfortable - I think that, as you get closer to trance, you become more aware of these things that you don't when you're in a normal, active "I'm watching TV/going to work/staying awake in class" state. As for what it actually is, well - when you're learning archery or how to shoot a gun, you're made aware that your entire body vibrates when your heart beats, so I've always held that it's just you becoming more aware of the echoes. There's probably other explanations, but there's mine. Hope this helps. - Basim --- In, "Maximiliano Markous" <mmarkous@f...> wrote: > As I get more relaxed during the mental exercises ( specially if I´m lying down ) I start to perceive the rythm of my respiration and ( later ) of my heart more clearly. If I gert more relaxed I begin to experience a third beat. It´s like a throb but it doesn´t come from my´s like some pulsating energy mainly focused on my chest and abdomen. I don´t perceive all the time because I think is motre subtle than my respiration or heartbeat. > Has anybody experience this and know what it is? or I´m alucinating?? > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]