Dear chenxsi! <<For example whenever i have an urge to play computer games, i would <<simply observe the thought of wanting to play till the desire <<disappears. Am i in fact merely isolating the negative trait, or am <<i controlling it? The key to controlling is being aware of. What you described is what I've found to be the superior way to do this. The rest is pure Willpower. What is important in all cases is that you make a choice, and then you stick with it no matter what. Breaking your own promises is a dangerous practice. <<I was wondering how exactly can the step 3 astral exercise harm a <<person who is not astrally balanced...does anyone has any opinion <<on this? It has to do with both physical and psychological symptoms. The greatest threat is temptation. Think about the alcoholic in the liquer store; what decides his course of action? Other than that, I saw that others had posted some excellent remarks on this. Well met Vovin