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Re: Manifestation

Message 00645 of 3835

Dear EMC,

Well, you've gone and done it again! ;-) Another EXCELLENT
reply/essay!!! Can I include this one in my next website update as

Dear Persephone,

>> I have been practicing magick for 5 years but I am new to FB's
system, currently working through the first exercises. After using the
Fluid condensers I have tried other magickal methods to manifest my goal
(spells, candles, ceremonial ritual, santeria, enochian, prayer) one
technique a month. <<

None of these Traditions can possibly be mastered in such a short span
of time. It's no wonder that with only a single month of effort devoted
to each you achieved no appreciable result. Far better would be to
stick with a single technique and master it, instead of jumping from
technique to technique. In other words, the effectiveness of any
technique depends upon your depth of penetration into it, your degree of
specific focus and your persistence.

>> Now Im stuck and wondering what I am doing wrong. I am questioning my
understanding of magick altogether. <<

At such times of frustration it's wise to step back and completely
re-evaluate your approach and motivation, as well as whether or not what
you're trying to accomplish is doable. Sometimes, when you cannot
accomplish a thing, it's because you're not supposed to . . .

>> Is there a way for a newbie to contact Divine Providence for guidance
in this matter. <<

Yes, through deep meditation and introspection. The answer is always
inside of you. Open yourself to your intuition and listen closely to
your conscience. These are the avenues by which the Divine continuously
speaks to us.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
11 Apr 2003


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