Dear Rawn, >>>There's really not much to be said other than that, through its color symbolism, it shows the relationships between macrocosmic and microcosmic forces. The way into this symbol really is as Bardon suggested -- through meditation upon it.<<< Allright, upon doing a little bit of meditation upon the card I can definetly see how the symbolism upon it relates to Jewish Kaballah in the Sepher Yetzirah. The IHVH in the center relates to the three mothers, the seven planentary symbols relates to the seven doubles and the zodiac symbols the twelve rinds. However, I am not quite sure how the colour symbolism relates to the letters that Bardon gives within the text. All well, no matter. I guess this is one of those things that only a step eight initiate can truely understand. What about the imagry of the fourth tarot key? Bardon does not talk about it in the fragment of "The Golden Book of Wisdom". I do believe that the six images of the Buddha do show the different mudras relating to the first six chakras, however I could be wrong.