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ABardonCompanion Website Mini-Update: "An Explanation of the Sephirotic Crystal"

Message 01007 of 3835

Dear Friends,

Someone recently commented that the symbol on the curtain at the very
beginning of "The Eight Temples Meditation Project", was "complex" and
therefore took extra effort to visualize. So I figured it was time to
explain this symbol in hopes that afterward, it will seem less complex
to those attempting to visualize it.

This symbol appears in several places on my website and in my work. Two
well known places you'll find it are throughout the "Eight Temples" and
in association with "The Magic of IHVH-ADNI".

The permanent link to "An Explanation of the Sephirotic Crystal" will
reside in the 'Essays and Correspondence' section. I've also posted a
.pdf version (the graphics look better!) in the 'Downloadable .PDF and
eBook Files' section, or you can retrieve it directly at (660 KB

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
29 Jun 2003


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