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Questions of a beginning disciple

Message 01022 of 3835

I just recenty purchased IIH. I am of the belief that this is a 
superior system, and the right one for me, but a few things are 
unclear, perhaps because of the translation from German or perhaps my 
own lack of understanding. If someone could answer these questions I 
would appreciate it.

1) On page 26* Bardon says that the sword represents fire and the 
wand represents air. Ever since my interest in the occult began 
(about 8 years ago), I've always been of the knowledge that the 
sword/feather represents air and the wand/club represents fire. Am I 
mistaken, are the other systems I've studied wrong, was Franz Bardon 
in error or was it a typo/misunderstanding during translation?

2) Bardon refers to body, soul and spirit. I've always thought of 
soul and spirit to be in the same category, and I've always included 
a category for the mind. It looks to me like Bardon uses spirit as a 
synonym for the mind and the mental processes. Again, it could be a 
translation issue. I would like to hear feedback on this, so I don't 
progress on my path with a misunderstanding of the terms.

3) On page 80 Bardon says that one should spend at least 14 days to a 
month with each excercise of step one, yet I also get the impression 
that the schooling of the spirit, soul and body should be happening 
concurrently. So does he mean that for the first period you do 
Thought Control, Introspection, and Adapting A Normal and Sensible 
Lifestyle as a matter of habit, and for the second period you do 
Thought Discipline, Preparation Of The Soul Mirror and Morning 
Excercises, etc.... Or does he mean to do all of the excercises for 
the soul and the body simultaneously, while progressing from 1 to 3 
in the spirit excercises? Or does he mean to do them all 
concurrently, but for at least 14 days to a month with every 
excercise. Also, does one continue to practice Thought Control and 
Thought Discipline as one is practicing Mastery Of Thoughts?

These questions may sound basic. I believe that clarity is the only 
way avoid psychic damage / lost time. If anyone could answer these 
questions I would appreciate it greatly.

- Elijah

* Merkur Publishing 2001 first printing


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