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Re: Questions of a beginning disciple

Message 01028 of 3835

Dear Elijah,

>> 1) On page 26* Bardon says that the sword represents fire and the
wand represents air. Ever since my interest in the occult began (about 8
years ago), I've always been of the knowledge that the sword/feather
represents air and the wand/club represents fire. Am I mistaken, are the
other systems I've studied wrong, was Franz Bardon in error or was it a
typo/misunderstanding during translation? <<

None of the above! ;-) There is more than one tradition of these
correspondences. Bardon seems to have taken after the European (mostly
French) tradition.

>> 2) Bardon refers to body, soul and spirit. I've always thought of
soul and spirit to be in the same category, and I've always included
a category for the mind. It looks to me like Bardon uses spirit as a
synonym for the mind and the mental processes. Again, it could be a
translation issue. I would like to hear feedback on this, so I don't
progress on my path with a misunderstanding of the terms. <<

Spirit = mental body / mind
Soul = astral body / emotions & personality
Body = physical body

>> 3) On page 80 Bardon says that one should spend at least 14 days to a
month with each excercise of step one, yet I also get the impression
that the schooling of the spirit, soul and body should be happening
concurrently. <<

You are correct that the three sections (mental, astral and physical) of
each Step are undertaken concurrently. However, the time suggestions
for Step One pertain primarily to the astral section -- the creation of
the positive and negative Soul Mirrors. The mental and physical
exercises are a bit more free flowing and the time it takes to master
each exercise within those sections varies greatly from person to
person. The Soul Mirror work though, needs to be done at a certain pace
in order for it to be truly effective (i.e., no dallying).

Each exercise should be pursued until it is mastered. It's not to be
done for a set number of days and then you move on to the next.

>> These questions may sound basic. I believe that clarity is the only
way avoid psychic damage / lost time. If anyone could answer these
questions I would appreciate it greatly. <<

I invite you to visit my website where
you'll find many resources. :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
02 Jul 2003


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