Just to state the importance of what Frater Draco said about _The Empty Force_ by Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill being only for theoretical purposes only. If you try to do the exercises contained therein without the instruction of a person trained within Taiji Quan, Ba Gua Zhang, Xingyi Quan, and/or Yi quan, you're more apt to cause yourself a number of physiological problems ranging from back to joint problems, and all sorts of potential psychological problems due to meridians being flooded with qi before they are ready which can cause some neurological problems like the shakes along with delusions of grandeure, great spiritual powers, and general, all around schizophrenia. A much safer alternative to practice on your own would be the step 2 conscious control of the body. Which works on the same principles, yet without the same amount of strain placed upon the body. Love and Live well, Peter Reist