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Re: Re: Fasting (& vegetarism)

Message 01349 of 3835

Dear Pierre,

Thank you for your wonderful posts in this thread. :) I've enjoyed
reading your words.

>> (one eating the others for always, the purpose of this creation being
completely obscure). <<

:) It's really not that obscure. It's an aspect of the *cycle* of life
which is one of infinite change, guided by infinite continuity. If all
living things were *not* part of a food chain (it's not just us animals
who consume each other) we would not be expressing and experiencing the
*cycle* of life in the way that we are -- we would not be earthlings
all. But we *are* earthlings, all of us, regardless of species. Here
and now, this is how the *cycle* of life is manifest, as it should and
must be. Eating each other is part of what keeps life going, ending and
in balance. This is Consciousness constantly changing its *forms*.

>> From the point of choice, I feel better being not eating meet
(especially whan knowing how we treat animals ...).
But what you are saying is also true, it has no effect in itself on
my vibs. This choice bears no compensation in itself; it does not
improve my fate or improve my Karma. <<

What does bear compensation and does improve your karma is the fact that
you *have* made a *conscious* choice! :)

>> And also, there is apparently no karmic price for eating meet while
there is seemingly for other behavior. This is because Eating meat is
not against this world's law. <<

Where the karmic price or debt enters into the equation is in how we
collectively and personally treat our food. If we *unthinkingly* eat a
hamburger made from the ground up flesh of a bull that's lived its short
life standing in its own manure with 300 others, while being pumped full
of antibiotics and growth hormones, and never shown any affection
whatsoever by the human race, then we connect ourselves very personally
with the karmic wrong done to that poor, innocent creature, even though
it was not done by our own hands.

In our modern world, we are accustomed to assuming this burden and don't
even notice its accumulation, don't even recognize its existence for the
most part. It's sort of like karmic white-noise to most of us --
something in the back ground that's been there so long and so constantly
that we're almost incapable of hearing it.

But imagine for a moment, the volt of negative astra-mental energy that
has accumulated over millennia of human disrespect for other animals.
Multiply that bull's terror an unimaginable number of times . . .

There is nothing that a single individual can do to completely absolve
the human collective from this karmic debt. However, we can each chip
away at it by addressing our personal connection and responsibility,
just as we must with all of our actions.

As you said, by thinking about what your food has experienced on its
journey to your mouth and honoring, acknowledging and thanking it for
*its* struggle, you compensate for your personal responsibility in that
larger debt. If done properly, this will also counter-balance the
negative energetic residue that fills the food itself.

>> What if we apply the analogy law to our life ? what is the real
purpose of our being here (apparently we are now at the very top of the
alimentation laden). <<

;-) Silly human! ;-) ;-) ;-) I'd say that in the eyes of a virus,
fungus, bacteria or mosquito, we humans are way, way down there on the
food chain!

>> Surely the cow diet has little effect on its final fate -same for
human, <<

I don't know if I'd really go that far. I think that our attitude in
relation to what we eat *does* impact our "final fate". The cow,
chewing her cud, doesn't have to worry about such things and therefore
doesn't accrue karmic debt in regard to what she eats, in the way a
human does. She is not abusing the grass she eats, she is merely eating
it and probably thinking "Yummy!". :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
23 Aug 2003


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