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Re: Fasting (& vegetarism)

Message 01347 of 3835

> Many folks do find great value in a vegetarian diet
> in relation to their spiritual quest. However, vegetarianism does 
> in and of itself mean that one is therefore more spiritual than a 
> eater. I have personally know many vegetarians who possess a 
very "low
> vibrational frequency" and also many meat eaters who possess 
very "high
> vibrational frequencies".

I fully agree with that. 
But, we are trapped in a world where the necessity to survive lead us 
to kill animals for milleniums. IT has always been so, and probably 
will always be so for animals (one eating the others for always, the 
purpose of this creation being completely obscure). For human, 
killing animals was mandatory to survive. This is obviously nature, 
the way it is organized, we are part of it whether we like it or not. 
But now, we know we have the choice. If not eating meet, once must 
compensate for proteins or suffers problems. Tbe Big Mac eaters does 
not have the problem, no matter if it comes at a high prize for the 
planet. It is important that everyone realiez he ha the choice and 
makes the choice understanding all the consequences. 

>From the point of choice, I feel better being not eating meet 
(especially whan knowing how we treat animals ...). 
But what you are saying is also true, it has no effect in itself on 
my vibs. This choice bears no compensation in itself; it does not 
improve my fate or improve my Karma. And also, there is apparently no 
karmic price for eating meet while there is seemingly for other 
behavior. This is because Eating meat is not against this world's 

But on th eother end, obviously, the cow does not know about its fate 
when eating peacefully the grass in the field. This is his life, 
peacefully eating the grass in a field, he has emotion and feeling 
just like human until the final terror end in the slaughter house. 
What if we apply the analogy law to our life ? what is the real 
purpose of our being here (apparently we are now at the very top of 
the alimentation laden). 
Surely the cow diet has little effect on its final fate -same for 

What is key is that we have the choice being Vegetarian with no 
rewards for it. 
It seems than Vegetarism have little effect on our development if 
following a path of mastery such as Bardon. But if will help people 
following a religious path to purify their body and help to free the 
mind. THerfore, if one own path use both Bardon and a religious 
stream, it can be hepfull as a means of purification.

best wishes,

Pierre Mikael 


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