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Re: Re: Fasting (& vegetarism)

Message 01371 of 3835

Dear Pierre,

>> This is leading to other questions, but all of them are finally
coming to the ones forever asked by manking such as "what is the manning
of creation as it is and why is it so ?"
Despite a straigh answer is unlikey to bring a definitive of these
ultimate questions, I will just add a few lines. <<

I think the answer is so hard to Understand by the sequentialized
consciousness because it is really so simple and such simplicity is an
unacceptable thing to the sequentialized mind. :)

The simple answer to "why?" is "because that's the way it is here and

The sequentialized mind perceives only an infinitely finite slice of
time and space, and therefore has no direct comprehension of all that
the Infinitely Infinite contains. From the eternal perspective of
non-sequentialized Mind however, it is apparent that EVERY one of the
infinite possibilities are manifest at one point or another in the
infinite course of sequentialized time-space. From our sequentialized
perspective, there have been and will be times and places where the
cycle of life does not manifest the way it manifests here and now. From
an eternal perspective, where ALL things happen simultaneously, the
cycle of life is manifest in an infinite number of ways all at once,
within an eternal Now.

It's really only from an eternal perspective that the simple answer of
"because that's the way it is", can be truly *Understood* without the
mind rebelling. From an eternal perspective it's perfectly clear that
the way things are over there/then is the way the *must* be, and that
over there/then it's the way *it* must be, and so on. That is how The
Whole is eternally complete, even though seemingly incomplete from a
temporal perspective.

>> This is becoming more phylosophy than Bardon Praxis, ;-) <<

:) But philosophy is an important *part of* a Bardon praxis! It's
inevitable that as the initiate advances, they will come face to face
with these issues, not just as 'questions' that need answers, but as
matters of Understanding. Pondering these questions and seeking out
your answers through experience, are important steps toward

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
25 Aug 2003


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