Dear Alan, >> In Step 3, Bardon states that a gradual increase in the number of breaths (1 each exercise) is important as it allows the body to adjust to an increase of the element. My question is how long does one need to wait in between these exercises? << I suggest that you wait one day between *increasing* your number of Element inhalations. However, you can repeat the exercise with the same number of inhalations during the same day as your increase. In other words, on Monday morning for example, you increase your inhalations from 7 to 8. Monday afternoon you repeat your 8 inhalations and also Monday evening you repeat the 8 inhalations. Then, Tuesday morning, you increase to 9 inhalations. Etc. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 23 Sept 2003 rawnclark@... rawn@...