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Re: Nature of the Mental & Astral Bodies of Minerals and Metals

Message 01602 of 3835

Dear Beat,

>> But there still is one kingdom missing: the mineral (and metallic)
kingdom in special. This part of our matter cannot be classyfied as
being only a part of "objects" in general. <<

:) In relation to the original question which was about thinking and
feeling, the mineral kingdom does belong to the category of "objects",
especially when compared to animate life forms such as plants and
animals. However, I understand your Alchemistical viewpoint of their
significance! Just because something is not capable of thinking or
emotional feeling, doesn't mean it lacks significance! ;-)

>> From my point of view - as you know an alchemical one - one can find
purest expressions of mental and astral energies in minerals and metals.
Perhaps that was the deaper reason why true alchemy primarily was
concentrated on the so called mineral kingdom more than on the plant or
animal kingdom, human himself included. The alchemists always said that
the strongest energies are enclosed in the mineral kingdom. Who learns
to release these energies from this kingdom will have much more energy
at his disposal than he ever can concentrate in products derived from
plants or animals. <<

The *pure* minerals and especially the *pure* metals express, through
their forms, *a* single essential meaning or root idea more clearly than
any other physical substance. The clarity with which they express their
essential meaning is what generates their power -- the essential energy
you seek.

Power is a product of the clarity with which a *form* (be it physical,
astral or mental form) expresses its (Akashic) essential meaning. The
metals express their essential meaning with great clarity at each
level -- 24k Gold being an example of perfect clarity in which even the
physical form is a perfectly clear expression of the essential meaning.
A human on the other hand, generally presents a very muddy expression at
the physical level and of a compound essential meaning instead of *a*
single essential meaning.

But at *each* level, that essential meaning is bound up in the form (be
it mental, astral or physical). *Form* is the *medium* of expression.
At the mental level, where *form* is at its most rarified state,
essential meaning is a radiant thing and one's mental body can easily
perceive and absorb the power of its radiant clarity. At the astral
level, the clarity with which an astral form expresses its essential
meaning becomes an important factor in one's ability to perceive and
absorb its essential meaning. At the astral level, the essential
meaning has usually been muddied and compounded by its passage through
the astral materia. However, with 24k Gold for example, which possesses
a *physical* purity and clarity of expression, the astral expression is
just as pure and radiant as the mental expression and one can easily
perceive and absorb its radiant clarity with the astral body as well.

To perceive and *absorb* the essential meaning and thus the energetic
power of a metal with one's *physical* body would, I'd imagine, require
several conditions. #1) The integration on your part of what you have
perceived and absorbed at the astral and mental levels, into your
physical body. #2) The development of your ability to *directly*
perceive essential meaning at a physical level. #3) The "opening" of
the physical form of the metal in such a way that the essential meaning
is no longer bound up by the physical materia and is thereby allowed to
radiate as *physical* energy.

>> But the big problem is to find the method to "ferment" minerals and
metals in a way, that the hidden inner fire of matter really can break
down the dark imprisonment of the physical bodies of minerals and
metals, i.e. the material cage in which the inner fire of nature is
bound and hidden. <<

I should think that this operation would be a process of a) purifying
and "loosening" the physical form of the metal; b) placing in its
physical presence a combination of other equally purified metals which
act as an extreme polar contrast (of essential meaning) to the primary
metal you're trying to force "open"; and, c) creating within *yourself*
the essential meaning expressed by your primary metal as a way of
*drawing out* the *physical* radiant clarity (employing the mental Law
of "like attracts like").

>> I would be very interested in hearing from you some illuminating
thoughts about this kingdom concerning its mental and astral qualities.

Mind you, my thoughts are not those of a practicing Alchemist, as you
well know. :) Nonetheless, I hope my perspective fertilizes your own
and that you can make a useful translation of my thoughts into
"Alchemese". ;-)

My best to you as always,
:) Rawn Clark
18 Oct 2003


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