Strange title, I agree :-) I recall that there is a sentence in the Bible mentionning that we should look for G-d's Kingdom first. In French, it reads "recherchez le royaume de Dieu en premier, et le reste vous sera donné par dessus". Another passage states that the "Kingdom in the Heaven" is among (within) us. Sorry for my awful translation - don't have an English Bible here. I'd like to know where Bardon would have "placed" :-) this (those) Kingdom(s) in the paradigm he used. I know it's not something outside or separate (this, at least, I have understood :-) but I'd like to know whether it may be at Tipharet's/Binah's level e.g., or even whether it encompasses all Sephirots but has to be considered as another state or dimension. Any specific way to reach/integrate it ...using IIH e.g. ? Many thanks. NB