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Re: transition to step two?

Message 01832 of 3835

> If dietary and sleep habits are what disturb your ability to focus 
> mind, then change those habits. This doesn't take magical 
techniques to
> accomplish. It's not something you have to wait before doing.


I suppose the confusion I have is in that it seems as if a number of 
very complex issues are arising for me as I work on mastering Step 
One exercises, issues that may take me a long time to fully resolve; 
and yet the work of character transformation is, in Bardon's system, 
put off until Step Two. I understand that such work can be done 
before Step Two. I guess I was looking for people's feedback and 
sharing, if they've had similar experiences to mine, i.e. major 
issues coming up in attempts to do "simple" things like being mindful.

These exercises are like having pets. Moods change every day, some 
days they frustrate me because they pee all over the place, the next 
they make me glad to be a pet owner. :)



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