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Re: Re: Levitation

Message 01864 of 3835

Dear 'ihya1347',

>> I was wondering though, to what extent should practical workings play
a part in magical development? To be honest, i dont think iv done a
single ritual or working aimed towards a practical result since starting
IIH, not counting the exercises in IIH. While you could say the results
from those exercises are practical, the benefits seem to be almost side
effects from the gradual rise of initiation. I know im not explaining
this as best as I could, but it seems like im becoming more tuned in to
how the universe works, and becoming more alert and aware. Also, it
seems the more I progress with IIH the less I want to be able to do the
host of things comonly listed as practical magick. <<

While EVERY exercise in IIH is practical, it really isn't until Step
Three that the student begins applying what they've learned in a manner
*commonly* recognized a magic (i.e., causing *external*, as opposed to
*internal*, change). Steps One and Two are really what prepares the
student for the rudimentary *practice*. And if you read ahead, you'll
find that there are many more examples of practical application that the
student is urged to experiment with.

But first, the own self must be trained and transformed. Otherwise, how
would one know what is worthwhile doing vis a vis, practical application
of technique?

>> The downside to this is that, especialy since im only at the tail end
of the second step, ill be feeling like i could do something, but having
no idea what to do. <<

Figuring out how to apply the techniques you learn from IIH is something
that is left up to the student for good reason. Number one, it breeds
self-reliance and number two, it demands that you use your creative
imagination. This keeps you in the moment, so to speak, and makes for
intuitive and spontaneous acts of magic, instead of mere "magical"
theater. It means that you must *experiment* and this is one of the
best methods of real learning and personal growth.

>> So, what im trying to say, and failing repeatedly, is why? Why bother
trying to do things like create fire in the material world? <<

That is a question that every magician must ask themselves . . . and
answer for themselves. :)

>> Or heres a scenario to think about, say decades pass, we all get very
good at our magickings ( as im sure we all will :) ) and so does a large
percentage of the population. Would it be right to affect the world on a
large scale? go off somewhere and use magick to build a town, etc. Im
sure everyone reading this can think of extreme examples of the
widespread usage of magick. Perhaps the atitude of the world to magick
would shift from disbelief to belief, maybe magick would even replace
technology. However, even as I was writing that, I have the fealing that
thats not what its all about, that refining our selves and progressing
on our path are what we should be striving after. Or am I totally off
base? <<

Bardon's path is about transforming the self, yet as one advances along
this path, one comes to realize that 'self' is a vast thing, not limited
to just the person. Ultimately, transforming one's self becomes a
transformation of the whole, of all of Self. But that transformation of
the greater whole is accomplished *only* through transformation of one's
own self. In other words, you can't change the world if that is your
goal. You can't make the world a better place unless you've first made
your own self a better place. :)

>> Iv been trying to type out why i feal that TMO is sperate from that
class of magick concerned with real world effects, although i can see
how it could easily be used for that. Best I can do is that its that and
more, like using it also aids in spiritual development. No idea on how
acurate that is ( or if i should even be talking about TMO here now that
theres the TMO forum ) <<

The "external usefulness" of TMO is directly proportional to how much
your practice of TMO has transformed you internally. Without the
internal self-transformation inherent to the practice of TMO, it is
fairly useless in so far as creating external change goes. It's really
not until one has mastered Lesson Six, having to do with the
manipulation of one's own consciousness, that the true power of TMO is

As we have learned in the TMO-Working Group, the more advanced forms of
TMO are VERY capable of effecting change in the external environment.

>> Guess I'll sneak this in here: I was thinking of documenting my
experience learning TMO, i still have a long way to go, and it might
benefit other people learning it if they can read a sort of day by day
acount of someone trying to do the same,there thoughts on it, etc. Good
idea? Bad idea? <<

I'd say, good idea. :) If you do write something along those lines,
let me know and perhaps it will be appropriate for the new Library.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
25 Nov 2003


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