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Sequential order

Message 01914 of 3835

I know the various exercises of step 2 correspond to specific 
Elements, and have to be done in a certain order.

As far as feeling concentration is concerned however, I'd like to 
know whether coldness, warmth, heaviness, etc. have to be approached 
in this order, or whether I can start with heaviness e.g.
My reason for asking is *not* the easiness or difficulty of each 
respective exercise, but the fact that Earth deserves my full 
attention at this very moment, and that I'd like to start with 
something related to it.
Many thanks.

Something else - but not a question, exceptionally :-)

I made an interesting experiment recently again. For various 
reasons, I had decided to keep practicing step 1 mental exercises 
each day.

Specifically as far as thought control was concerned, I was again 
amazed to see the level of coherence still present in my train of 
thoughts even in the absence of any level of participation on my 
I was sort-of "hands in my back", witnessing the ebb and flow of the 
thoughts without interfering, but the thinking process was still 
logical, everything was still making sense, the point that I 
started wondering the added value of my normal participation during 
day time :-)

But I realized it was this coherence that fooled me in the first 
place and made me "jump into the debate" so frequently 
(independently of the cases due to emotions), because of the feeling 
that if a thought was "presented to me", it had to be the feedback 
of something I had initiated myself and was something I had to take 
ownership of ...which was clearly wrong.

All this to say that I was demonstrated again that the thoughts were 
not *generated* at conscious level.

Useful exercise for a Newbie :-)



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