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Re: Re: Essential Meaning objectivity

Message 01934 of 3835

Dear M,

>> with the Moon I receiving one flash in which I sensed that the Moon
has a very intimate connection with myself (and the rest of earth),
though I didn't seem to perceive the details. <<

This is what I mean about direct perception being pre-cognitive. The
details emerge with the descent of the direct perception into the
thinking and feeling aspects of the mind. The direct perception itself
however, contains a nearly infinite amount of information -- too much to
grasp as a complete set of details all at once. It takes time for the
thinking and feeling mind to process that overwhelming quantity of

>> The experiences seem to unveil a kind of vibrant beauty that
reappears when I look at the subject again (without trying to perceive
it's e.m.). <<

:) This is because you *have* directly perceived its EM. Now you
recognize the EM component of your normal perception. We always
perceive EM, whether we realize it for what it is or not, but when we do
recognize it consciously as EM, we thereafter recognize the role it
plays in our normal perceptions.

>> On an unrelated note, I have been reading a book to do with Franz
Bardon/Hermetics lately, and the author really labours the point of how
correctly performed pranayama is indespensable to making progress with
IIH - he says it opens the Chakras, but doesn't this happen in step
three? <<

Someone sent me an excerpt from that book the other day, outlining the
author's suggestions of what one must do *before* even starting Step
One. While these things may have been necessary for the author himself,
they are not requirements for beginning IIH. IIH *already* starts at
the beginning -- it doesn't need a bunch of exercises added to it in
order to make it doable, as that author implied.

I very strongly disagree with the idea that pranayama for the purpose of
forcing the chakras open is "indispensable", let alone even wise. The
chakras open naturally through the student's process of maturation as a
direct result of the IIH work. No where in IIH did Bardon in any way
suggest or recommend forcing the chakras open.

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
08 Dec 2003


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