Dear Daniel, >> would I be correct if I'd say that it is easier to perceive objectively in passive communication than in active communication? << Not particularly, especially in the beginning it's a challenge no matter which technique one employs. The main thing is, it's safer and less consequential. >> (Another question, just about semantics: would it be correct to call passive communication invocation of a lesser degree?) << No, this is not invocation. Invocation is when you call upon an external entity to fill your self-awareness. With passive communication, all you're offering up is your "empty" hand. In other words, the entity does not fill your self-awareness. Invocation is a passive form of merging your awareness with another; whereas, with passive communication, there is no merging of awareness. >> P.S Good luck with your artwork Rawn! Seems like you're having a good vacation :) << Thanks. :) That art project is now complete (final touches went on last evening). And yes, it would be hard not to have a good vacation with the summer-like weather we're having here in northern California. It was 90 degrees Fahrenheit here yesterday! ;-) My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 11 Holiday 2004 rawnclark@... rawn@...