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RE: Re: Step1 - Step2 Sequence and fatigue, etc.

Message 02583 of 3835

lArrivalTime: 02 May 2004 02:11:39.0757 (UTC) FILETIME=[CDF6C1D0:01C42FEA]
>Hi Basim,
> > Most of the others I know replace OOT with TT, and then TT with
>Yeah, that's what I've been doing. But, after a period of
>performing EOM, I felt like I was losing the TT ability. I've since
>gone back to it, but my routine is kind of screwy now. My feeling
>is that I should continue both, and just tack on the extra time it
>takes. I find that I'm kind of burnt out though, after the half
>hour, morning and night, of impregnating breaths, TT, and then

I too have experienced this sort of 'burn out' in step two. I even found that I could possibly relate this 'cloudy mindfullness' to my own sense of resistance to the daily regime. It seemed to spark mainly during the closed eye visualization process (I can easily visualize with eyes open, projecting the visual, etc.). It seemd I'd NEVER gain the objective!! NEVER be so clear that I could say.. that is what I was finally say with clear sincere honesty.." Now I may move on"... to what I would consider easier mental concentration exercises...

ah.. the trial-by-fire of the imbalanced fire element psyche :)

Visualize clearly !! WITH MY Eyes closed!?? Tough!! To hold the image IN PERSPECTIVE and AT ITS PHYSICAL LOCATION without adding the sense of touch and movement about the object (like Im teeny) with my eyes closed took more effort than I expected.

I found a trick however... "see/experience the objects essential meaning with your visualizing 'inner eyes sight'. Absorb the "essential meaning' as light would be received by your physical eyes.

I digress..

In essence (no pun intended) I decided to take a four day break w/o setting time for working out or the step2 practices. I indulged my watery sense instead of my fire (visual) one.

Came back to the step2 exercises refreshed.

O.. BTW.. Candle flames work well as they provide increased physical VISUAL light to start from and they MOVE and are interesting in their emotive associations, etc. All around, the 'essential meaning' "SEEN/Experienced" via inner sight of a flame is profound (i thought so, I mean.. and I naturally resisted trying this at first.. seemed such a 'cliche")..AND.. its related to the fire element as well.

Another 'trick' that worked for me.. imagining the 'object being visualized with my eyes closed' to lift and levitate to the area before my forehead. Seemed brighter and I didnt have to work so hard for the perspective of the object. Could move it around and turn it . make it visually interesting, etc. Kept my interest more easily than an object just sitting on a table and not moving.Actually, I was trying to avoid the act of mentally moving myself to its level and travelling around and about it to create the same interest effect and reduction of perspective issues. This too seemed much easier to do than just look at it. It also seemd to more effectively integrate EOM.

Rawn.. these 'movement of object' tricks.. are they 'acceptable' as visualization tools for this particuler exercise? I would think they should only be temporary aides. Perspective appears to be one of the most difficult 'mental disciplines' within the 'closed eyes visualization' excercise.


As to breathing .. I found it far less tiring to seperate the series of breathings (in and out) into sets. First set, breath in <whatever> X times and exit breath w/o thoughts.. IE EOM. When the max 'feels reached' then reverse it and the set of breathing out with intent <whatever> X times while breathing in in EOM state. I also added this step (CPore Breathing) to the BEGINNING of my exercises insteasd of the last step of my series.

Question.. Has anyone else , in dreaming after nightly CPB.. found themselves in a very airy place with guazy absolutely beautiful artwork and thin 'alloof' people.. even spiral rooms ? These people were beautiful and vain and aloof. But not hearltess at all. Just detatched somehow... they seemed even curious.

Has anyone else found that doing several CPB exercises.. ie as many breaths as 20 or 40.. is so much like too much caffienne that they find it very difficult to go to sleep as well as find they are more 'testy' and 'fast'(??) within themselves and with others?

Result.. I lowered the number of CPB to less than 15. :) <phew..>

Thank you for your patience :)


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