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Re: Re: Step1 - Step2 Sequence and fatigue, etc.

Message 02584 of 3835

Dear :T:,

>> I found a trick however... "see/experience the objects essential
meaning with your visualizing 'inner eyes sight'. Absorb the "essential
meaning' as light would be received by your physical eyes.<

:) :) :) EXCELLENT ! ! ! :) :) :)

Over May Day weekend I spent quite a bit of time discussing this very
technique with a member of this discussion group whom I've been working
with extensively for a couple of years. :) He spoke in reference to
the olfactory (smell) exercises. He's been working with the direct
perception of essential meaning for quite a while now and decided to
integrate it into the Step Two sensory concentration exercises
(actually, he's integrating it into *all* of his work, IIH and
otherwise). What he described was a process of *building* the created
smell *upon* his direct perception of the essential meaning of the scent
he wishes to work with. He *begins* with the essential meaning. This
has helped him greatly with the sensory concentration exercises because
the essential meaning is what *causes the aroma*.

As I've said on several occasions, the direct perception of essential
meaning is an *experience*. It's an interaction between your awareness
and the essential meaning you're directly perceiving. And since the
essential meaning is what *causes* the mental, astral and material form
to exist, when you're perceiving essential meaning you can also change
your focus and perceive all of the different *layers* of its *form*.

>> Rawn.. these 'movement of object' tricks.. are they 'acceptable' as
visualization tools for this particuler exercise? I would think they
should only be temporary aides. Perspective appears to be one of the
most difficult 'mental disciplines' within the 'closed eyes
visualization' excercise. <<

Yes, they sound positive *because you are in control of them*. :) It's
when they spin on their own and you can't make them stop spinning/moving
that's "unacceptable". However, I suggest that you continue to work at
strengthening your ability to create stationary visualizations.

>> MORE oN STEP2 ..
As to breathing .. I found it far less tiring to seperate the series of
breathings (in and out) into sets. First set, breath in <whatever> X
times and exit breath w/o thoughts.. IE EOM. When the max 'feels
reached' then reverse it and the set of breathing out with intent
<whatever> X times while breathing in in EOM state. I also added this
step (CPore Breathing) to the BEGINNING of my exercises insteasd of the
last step of my series.
Question.. Has anyone else , in dreaming after nightly CPB.. found
themselves in a very airy place with guazy absolutely beautiful artwork
and thin 'alloof' people.. even spiral rooms ? These people were
beautiful and vain and aloof. But not hearltess at all. Just detatched
somehow... they seemed even curious.
Has anyone else found that doing several CPB exercises.. ie as many
breaths as 20 or 40.. is so much like too much caffienne that they find
it very difficult to go to sleep as well as find they are more 'testy'
and 'fast'(??) within themselves and with others?
Result.. I lowered the number of CPB to less than 15. :) <phew..> <<

The reason why you are experiencing these dreams AND the
over-energization is because the technique you've described (several
inhalations followed by an equal number of exhalations) is tantamount to
an *accumulation* of the *vital energy* (see Step Three). I suspect
that you are not exhaling all of the vital energy that you are
accumulating and are focusing instead upon the exhalation of *just* the
negative trait.

I suggest either of two alternatives. :)

1) Focus upon exhaling your negative trait *and* vital energy. And at
the end of your exercise, make absolutely sure that you have exhaled
*all* of the excess vital energy that remains after your exhalations of
the negative character trait.

2) Instead of rushing through your breaths, employ "empty" breaths while
you are mentally processing what's next. For example, inhale your
positive ideation along with the vital energy, then do as many "empty"
exhales and inhales as you need to wrap your mind around magically
exhaling the negative ideation along with the vital energy. Then, when
you're mentally prepared, perform your magical exhalation. Then take as
many "empty" breaths as you need to mentally prepare for the magical
inhalation. And so on.

Option #2 might seem tedious *at first* but it's a VERY good (and quick)
way to build the speed of your mental processes, as well as hone your
ability to shift quickly between mental states..

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
04 May 2004


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