DAN: >How does one delineate superstition from reality? That's a somewhat loaded question, as if we all *knew* superstition has nothing to do with reality. I don't know that. A good thing one can say about superstition is that it is a kind of holistic thinking. Things are seen as interconnected. "If I do something here, it will have an effect somewhere else, if something happens there, it will influence something here, etc." That belief is at least cousin to humility. Thus it is somewhat different from the more arrogant superstition we call "science" (or rather *scientism*), which takes it for granted that things are disconnected. It studies the world as disparate elements, and sees not the forest for the trees. The superstitious may have imperfect ideas about the forest, but at least they don't deny it's existence. So remember, if you walk under a ladder and something falls on your head, that means baaad luck. t.t.