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Re: Soul Mirror: Phobias and Fears

Message 02776 of 3835

Dear Olivier,

>> Not much activity on the list lately! <<

;-) Usually, I think of that as a good thing since it means folks are
a) busy doing the Work and/or b) finding their own answers within

>> What are fears and phobias? Do they symbolize aspects of our selves
that we are afraid to meet? For example, what would correspond to
vertigo, the fear of heights, or to the fear of insects or spiders? Is
it ultimately the fear of death? <<

Ultimately, all fears can be traced back to a fear of death but it's not
always *physical* death. For example, it can be the death of an old way
of being, or of a cherished pattern of thought, a relationship,
emotional attachment, social standing, etc. One can also look at it as
the fear of (or resistance to) *change*, as opposed to "death".

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
05 July 2004


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