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RE: visualization

Message 02805 of 3835


As Rawn mentioned, there are a lot of tips at the Bardon Companion website. The following is another description with some of the techniques that I've found helpful

First, as you?ve probably notices already, the mind has a tendency to create a constant stream of images. If you know what I am referring to, continue to observe them when you visualize. If you don?t, pick an object and picture it in your mind. Imagine it as strongly as you can. Most likely, this will be difficult. Much like thoughts and emotions, the image stream tends to jump from image to image. Continue to observe the image stream, and start to slow it down. Focus on the edges and the details of the images. Write them down if you wish, as this can help to slow down the stream and bring a single image into focus.

Now work on limiting the images. Try to guide the images to become things which fascinate you. Pick a single one, and focus on it. The image should overlay/displace the darkness that the physical eyes experience, but don't think of this as looking at it with the physical eyes (the commentaries on the site do a better job of describing this if it doesn't make sense). I find it helpful to imagine that my entire body, and especially my gut or solar plexus area is experiencing the object. This helps to make it more real to me. Again, describe the details and repeat what to your self what it is that you are looking it (?I am looking at a X?). The key is to approach the exercise with a relaxed, playful attitude while focusing on the details of the image rather than trying to force an image to appear.

Hope that helps,
Stephen M.

From: "Rand" <hp_rand436103@...>
Subject: [BardonPraxis] visualization
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:34:40 -0000

As to the visualization of objects beginning in step two of IIH-
are we truly to "visualize"- as in see the object as if we were
looking at it with our eyes - or are we to "immagine" it in every
Robert Bruce actually discusses this at length in his NEW, and also
somewhat in "Astral Dynamics". I'm just wondering if we need to
actually be able to "see" the objects as if visually, for the IIH
work. If this is the case, have you any suggestions in making this

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