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Re: Re: Another Eight Temples question

Message 03057 of 3835

Dear David,

> Does that mean it's done 3 times as it states in the Geburah section, 
> and is the releasing of the circle counterclockwise? And exactly how 
> important is it to visualize these things exactly, if I don't know 
> how exact it all is?

In Geburah it is *you* casting the circle, so you repeat it since it's
your practice. The circle at the beginning of each Temple initiation
however is being cast by *Rawn* around all the participants, and it's
done only once. And yes - the releasing is done counterclockwise. 

It doesn't have to be exact. But as it was pointed out by Peter (maybe
not so directly :) - the more details you create in your perception, the
more you will feel the Temple itself. In other words you will get more
density of your perceptions (i.e. astral density instead of just mental

As to the exactness, as far as I remember, in the Introduction to 8T
Rawn said something about balancing the scripts between 'planning' and
being 'spontaneous'. So if you don't know how exactly visualise those
things, just *let them happen*. Follow your own intuition. As far as my
experience goes, this cannot be done in a "wrong" way :)

> Is it then more worthwhile to stop and spend a lot of 
> time getting my bearings and developing my visualization abilities, 
> or is it better to explore them all and afterwards go back and 
> explore? 

I think it's totally up to you :)
Just remember, that those Temples represent your levels of self and
therefore they are quite infinite :)
So there will be no point when you'll have *all* of e.g. the Malkuth
discovered ;-) Or at least it's my experience ;)

> Well I don't even know what the pattern on the trestleboard is -- 
> yet. :)

On it's hidden among Correspondence exerpts :)

Blessed be,


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