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snow and we beginners

Message 03422 of 3835

I've just come in from the snow. Our first real snow of the year here
(Tennessee), and it's absolutely wonderful. I urge each of you to
take a moment to step outside and spend some time BEing. As I stood
there, at first, I was cold, shivering, the kind where your physical
body seems to cringe with discomfort, but as I closed my eyes, I began
to let go. To let go of the season, the concerns, the rush, the
humbug of holidays, my work, my family, my debts, my life. I found
myself in a place of great stillness, no shivering, no physical
feeling, just BEing. And I don't know that I was thinking about it at
all at the time. It's only after the fact that I truly appreciate,
that I am truly starting to grasp ahold of the overall experience. 
There I was, not at one with the elements, the electric and magnetic
forces around me, but a witness to it all. An outsider on the inside,
a stranger in a strange land that somehow felt just like home, like
where I had always been, but was too blind to see. I think Sir Bardon
probably gave me nod along the way.

And, I present this as an example, an illustration if you will, for
all of you who are beginners on this great path like myself. Many of
you are flooding the forums with questions. Questions that will not
ever have the outward answers that you seek. Trust me, I've been
studying these types of things for many, many years. At first, I was
extremely skeptical of this system. I have tried many, if not most,
religio-spiritual systems available, so I was a bit humdrum when it
came to one more esoteric school of thought. I sat on this system for
a few years, read and re-read IIH, read all of Rawn's suggestions and
commentaries numerous times, started and re-started. And I got
disgusted, absolutely fatigued by all the crap that's floating around
in my life, and something snapped. Finally, I started really looking
into myself, really seeing, introspecting, applying principles and
steps from the book. Only now, am I starting to find answers. You
hold the answers to all of those questions within yourselves.

And please, don't take me as some pompous ass who's trying to toot his
own horn. It's beyond that level of thought. I'm just offering this
so that maybe just one of you will stop thinking now and just BE, just
BE. Granted some of you may NEED to walk a long path before truly
finding your place. I know now that it was necessary as a part of my
growth. But, if you honestly, really try this system; really put
forth some time and effort into making it work and really look into
who you are, I think you too will start finding the answers that
you're looking for. And if not, I truly wish you the absolute best in
all of your endeavors. We are to each walk our own path.

With that, I sincerly hope you all have the happiest of holidays.



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