Dear Patrik, >> Within your exercise of center of stillness, you also mention the *emotional tone*, seperatly from the mind chatter. I assume from practise first ex., that doing thought observing also increases the ability to know and master the emotional tone during daily life as well, but I am not quite sure. << Yes, the observation exercise does help toward being able to observe and recognize your emotional tone at any given moment. It is something that is reflected by the quality of the thoughts that fill the surface mind. In other words, much of the mental chatter is expressive of your underlying emotional tone. But even more to the point is the Step One process of introspection in which you are examining your deeper emotional motivations and character traits. This practice puts you in direct touch with your emotional tone as it exists while you are looking within. >> Does the emotional tone belong to the surface mind, << No, it doesn't "belong to" the surface mind. Instead, the surface mind reflects the emotional tone. The emotional tone itself is an effect of the present moment state of your astral character, upon your surface awareness. >> and if not, does its mastering directly belong to the soul mirror work or rather to a later exercise as stillnes of thoughts? << It can be set aside and ignored as in the Center of Stillness Meditation, but it is something that exists naturally. It is *reflective* of your inner character and as such it is not something you change or "master". As you transform your character however, so too does your emotional tone change and evolve since it is *reflective* of your astral character.. My best to you, :) Rawn Clark 23 Apr 2005 rawnclark@... rawn@...