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Re: PME, beings of Jupiter-Saturn and Abramelin?

Message 03801 of 3835

Dear Rawn, Dear all

Thanks for the links ...

"For truly, any person who has reached such a level will, on their 
own, very quickly realize that a code was used and that the names as 
published are useless" [Rawn]

It's still a great difference whether those names are just "useless" 
or "demonical". 

Paul Allens critique says that Bardon - faking sygills as positive 
Spirits - in reality is an existing book on *demonology* - Abramelin. 
Even if done as a test, if this were true (I do not say it is), one 
could hardly *not* consider Bardon being a good, ethical person! In 
his German critique, Paul Allen adds in his epilog, which he does not 
write in his English Version, as conclusion about Bardon:

"1.Bewusste Täuschung um sich in den Augen von naiven Menschen
besonderen Anstrich zu geben. Sollte dies zutreffen, dann kann man 
über solch niedere und billige Motive nur entrüstet den Kopf 
schütteln. [Bardon was either a swindler, not at all an ethical 
person - according to PA]"


"2. Es könnte aber auch sein, dass sich Bardon durch die von ihm 
praktizierten Übungen in einer selbst geschaffenen Phantasiewelt 
verloren und verirrt hat und nicht mehr in die Realität 
zurückgefunden hat. [Bardon was insane, crazy - according to PA]"

I said, before, I personally do *not* agree (belief) with that, but 
cannot *proof* because of the not yet clarified Abramelin question.

Coming back to this question, seeing for example 
[] from French Bardonists

or the book of Haziel, using the same Siprit names of Mercury zone by 
saying that a) every person is astrologically in contact with 
those spirits anyway anytime, regardless whether someone knows or not 
(depending on the persons character whether it is the "positive" 
or "negative" genius) b)Even persons praying Psalms - as codified 
keys for Mercury zone Spirit - come in to contact with them.
Even Bardon says that praying can positively influence the astral 

So, the question remaining here is not wether praying or "mygoodangel 
net" is true evocation (it is not and I think it is not meant to be), 
but whether all that is based on a *demonical* book - Abramelin - or 
And this is an *ethical* question and probably a question of 
*basic research* too, concerning Abramelin and PME of Bardon.


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