More on the "Self-Healing Archaeous"
© 2003
>> I have been listening to lesson 4 of your excellent "Self Healing Archeous" series - not to practice it just yet, but rather for a preview. While listening to the Astra-Mental separation section, something suddenly struck me. The headphones through which one listens to the verbal guidance are plugged into ones physical ears. Surely, when ones performs Astra-Mental separation from the physical body, the physical ears and the physical sense of sound are left behind in the physical body. The question is therefore - how can one continue to listen to the instructions from the standpoint of the Astra-Mental body which is not receiving the guidance of the audio input? One would assume that once the separation is complete, the Astra-Mental body will sense the surroundings by means of its Astra-Mental sensoria to which the headphones are obviously not attached. <<
The astra-mental body is, of course, still attached to the physical body through the silver cord. Since the audio direction has been there since the beginning of the meditation and actually guides the listener through the separation, it remains integrated into the conscious awareness and the perception of sound is communicated through the silver cord. Granted, this does detract from the depth of separation that is possible, but it does not prevent separation. At the end of each Lesson I make the statement that the recording should be used only to familiarize yourself with the technique itself, and once you are familiar with it, you must perform it without the recording. This period of independent work, without dependence upon the recording, is when you reach the degree of separation in which complete detachment from the input of the physical senses is achieved.
Each Lesson reveals one level when you perform it with the recording and another, much deeper level, when you perform it independent of the recording. In each Lesson, this independent work is stated as a prerequisite to passing on to the next Lesson.
I encountered the same issue of this limitation inherent to an audio recording (of what happens when it comes to disengaging from the physical sensoria) with the creation of my first recording of the CSM. At first I thought it would be an even greater limitation than those presented by a text lesson, but in the end, I was able to surmount it by setting *independent work* as the goal. This has proven itself as an effective resolution, as has the whole idea of recorded audio lessons versus text lessons. I wrote the CSM in 1995 and in its first 6+ years of life, very few ever bothered to try practicing it. But in the year that the audio recording has been available (first posted on 27 Jan 2002), hundreds of folks have tried it and at least half of those have entered into independent work and are no longer dependent upon the recording! In the end, this has proven itself to be a superior medium compared to text lessons. The transition to independent work is rapid and the resulting understanding of the technique is actually superior to that derived from the text lesson *because of* the experiential audio introduction.
This experience has also proven itself with "The Magic of IHVH-ADNI" series, much to my own personal delight! I have heard from at least 100 folks who are actively pursuing TMO and making excellent progress with it. Prior to the release of the recordings, I knew of only three who had even attempted it using the text of "Attending The Unity".
The reason that the audio recordings succeed, even when the listener is being guided through a separation from their physical sensoria, has to do with a thing I say repeatedly throughout the Archaeous series -- namely, that the mental body can assume any shape, size or property it desires. It is infinitely malleable. It is capable of splitting its attention into many parts, each of varying degrees, while integrating them into a primary focus. In other words, the mental body is capable of paying minor attention to physical-auditory input while simultaneously ignoring all other physical input, without distracting from its primary focus. At first this will *detract* from the degree or intensity of the primary focus, but it does not *distract*. Especially since this auditory input is guiding and re-enforcing that primary focus.
I am actually address this issue, albeit from a slightly different angle, in Lesson Five.
Lesson Five concerns the passive separation of the solitary mental body from the separated astra-mental body. This requires a further contraction of the mental body into just its Air and Fire regions and then a spatial relocation away from its astral shell. This reveals a second cord of a lavender hue, connecting the solitary mental body with its astral shell. This is what remains of the Water region of the mental body when it is separated in this fashion.
The shade, opacity and girth of this cord changes depending upon how much of your awareness you direct toward either your astral or physical sensoria. While listening to the audio recording, this cord will be relatively thick, as will the silver cord, and it will be an opaque, dark lavender, *because* part of your awareness is focused upon my guiding voice. When doing independent work with this technique however, both cords will be thinner, paler and more translucent.
The lavender cord can, in fact, become infinitely finite, completely colorless and totally translucent. This is achieved by reducing the amount of awareness attached to the Earth and Water regions of the mental body to the absolute minimum required for the barest sustenance of the physical shell's autonomic functions. This means that there is absolutely no perception of physical sensation of any sort. The physical shell could burn in fire at that point and you would not feel it. Furthermore, all awareness is withdrawn from the Water region of the mental body. The astral body needs no attention to sustain itself since it exists because of the attention devoted to the sustenance of the physical shell. In this state, the solitary mental body directly perceives essential meaning and thoughts/ideas, simultaneously. This perception is not processed through the astral personal or the physical brain. This perception has no form other than that provided by thoughts and ideas.
By further focusing in the Fire region alone, the temporal mental body becomes capable of infinite expansion, but that's another Lesson, all unto itself. :)
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
18 Jan 2003