Physical Manifestation of an "Ascended Master" Such as Babaji
© 2002
>> Can a perfected human being manifest a physical body at any point in time, before or after the incarnation in which they attained perfection? Can this be done whether their physical body died or they 'ascended'? <<
Yes. In my "Sowantha" piece I mention that the Greater Self often retains the pattern of those Individual Selves that have been successful in their work of perfecting themselves. The Greater then uses these Individuals for communicating directly with the other Individual Selves that it projects. The physical body that the Individual dresses itself with will be its most famous, final form. Such is the case with Babaji. He reached perfection whilst incarnate as 'Babaji' and now uses this old familiar form to communicate the intent of his Greater Self. This Greater Self periodically appears, in astra-physical form, as Babaji. Babaji is perhaps THE purest, most comprehensive expression of this Greater, at present. However, this same Greater Self also incarnates through Individuals who have not yet perfected themselves.
Since a Greater Self is an eternal mental body, it can (and does) manifest itself at *any* specific point along the time-space continuum. It doesn't matter if the physical form once died or whether it "ascended". The physical form itself is accrued anew by the Individual Self (i.e., temporal mental body) in each instance of materialization. It is the nature of the temporal mental body that determines the ultimate physical appearance. Thus, the Individual 'Babaji" will always look like Babaji did while his physical body was alive because that is how physical materia naturally adheres to the 'Babaji' Individual's mental matrix.
My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
10 Sep 2002