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Re: Introduction

Message 00029 of 3835

Dear Ed,

Welcome to BardonPraxis! :)

>> Rawn are the articles and work you have done on the Bardon Companion
fair game for discussion in this Group? I realize that most of your work
there is explanation or adjunct practices to Bardon and just want to
verify their relationship to this Group. <<

Well, that depends upon whether the discussion revolves around a
Bardon-related issue. As you say, much of my own work relates rather
directly to the Bardon work, but some of it only tangentially and other
bits, not at all.

Since I'm the first to see any posting and must approve each one before
it gets posted to the group, if questions about my own work do come in
and they're not sufficiently related to the Bardon work then I will
simply answer them directly without posting them to the BP. Conversely,
if I get personal email that I think this group might benefit from
because it IS directly related to the Bardon work, then I will likely
forward it to the group.

In other words, fire away and I'll filter out what isn't appropriate and
answer you off-board. :)

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
27 Dec 2002


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