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Re: Intro

Message 00033 of 3835

Dear jsc_magi,

Welcome to BardonPraxis!

>> I am curious as to what are peoples motivations for pursuing the
Hermetic path? I know my reason but am wondering what other peoples
reasons are. <<

Like many here, I explored several different paths prior to coming
across IIH, but when I read IIH I just knew, without a doubt, that
*this* specific path would take me where I planned to (and knew that I
*must*) go. Dogma and I do NOT get along because, like you, I have a
habit of asking all the questions that dogma fears. ;-) What I find so
fulfilling about the Bardon work in particular, is that it's not dogma
based. Instead, it's about learning the practical techniques that
empower the aspirant to directly perceive and personally experience the
things that dogma tries so desperately to simultaneously encompass and

My best to you,
:) Rawn Clark
27 Dec 2002


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